Saturday, September 27, 2008

Over 2000 Multi-Colored Balloons (which is similar to the song, but not close enough to be cool)...

As though twenty, fat, latex babies are rubbing up against your legs like cats begging for attention litter the floor around you, these ovarian objects float obnoxiously through the room, following the currents of air. Dancing with large balloons bouncing about at your feet is not the ideal way I would choose to have fun, especially as, after another hour, the balloons are slimy with beer. I could write another post complaining of the idiocy of college students, but that is not really something I want to talk about again, considering I am one of them. 
So onto another topic...

When I sleep in a sort-of half-awake stage, normal happenings seem very strange to me. I have opinions about everything that I hear, though my eyes are not open and my mind is not really on. Sleeping like this, the world seems very warm and cosy; the pillows and blankets surrounding me are dreamlike, and too comfortable to make me want to move at all. My world is an orb of soft, golden light and I am pleasantly resting in the middle of it all. 
Waking up is a  long process, involving several failing attempts paced hours apart and interrupted by roommates coming and going. Eventually, my senses begin to be restored. I breathe deeply and purposefully. My eyes flutter, and my world is still very warm and golden, but sharper now, and more real. As the world begins to slow down, my body begins to wake up and my life moves on once again. And my life moves on once again...

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